Publications in Peer Reviewed Journals

2016. Politics at the Margins: Alternate Sites of Political Involvement among Young People in Cameroon. Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines, 50:2, 211-228.

2015. Fabrics of Identity: Uniforms, Gender and Associations in the Cameroon Grassfields.  Africa, 85 (04), 677-696.

2007. Youth Involvement in Civil Society in Cameroon since 1990, Africa Insight37 (3) 308-326.

2006. Engendering Gender Studies in Africa, in CODESRIA Bulletin, Nos. 1&2, 65-69.

2005. Cameroonising Anthropology: Some Trends and Implications The African Anthropologist Vol. 12 (2) 181-198

2005. Tribal Innovators? Traditional leadership and Development in Africa. CODESRIA Bulletin Nos. 3&4 2005. Pp. 41-43

2005. Entertaining repression: Music and Politics in Postcolonial Cameroon.African Affairs, 104, 251-274. (with Francis B Nyamnjoh)

2003. Ambiguous Transitions: Mediating Citizenship among Youth in Cameroon. Africa Development. Vol. XXVIII, Nos. 1&2, 76-104.

2002. The Domestication of Hair and Modernised Consciousness in Cameroon: A Critique in the context of Globalisation. Identity, Culture and Politics, Vol. 2, 99-124. (with Nyamnjoh, F. B & Deborah Durham).

1999. African Youth, Competing Cultures and the Future of Peace. South-South Journal for Culture and Development. 1 (1), 46-65.

Book Chapters

Fokwang, J. (2021). “Drinking from the Cosmic Gourd” and the Fallacy of Completeness by Way of African Proverbs. In F. B. Nyamnjoh, P. Nwosu, & H. M. Yosimbom (Eds.), Being and Becoming African as a Permanent Work in Progress: Inspiration from Chinua Achebe’s Proverbs (pp. 327-333). Bamenda: Langaa Research & Publishing CIG.

2009. Student Activism, Violence and the Politics of Higher Education in Cameroon.: A Case Study of the University of Buea (1993-2003). InYouth and Higher Education in Africa, edited by Donald P Chimanikire. Dakar: CODESRIA. Pp. 9-34.

2009. Southern Perspective on Sport-in-Development: A Case Study of Football in Bamenda, Cameroon. In Sport and International Development, edited by R. Levermore and A. Beacom. Houndsmills: Palgrave Macmillan.

2008. Themes and Legacies: Anthropology’s Trajectories in Cameroon, in Aleksandar Boskovic (ed.) Other People’s Anthropologies: Ethnographic Practice on the Margins. Oxford, Berghahn Books. (Chapter 7, pp 125-141).

2006. Ambiguous Transitions: Mediating Citizenship among Youth in Cameroon, in Björn Beckman & G R Adeoti (eds.) Intellectuals and African Development: Pretension and Resistance in African Politics. London, Zed Books. (Chapter 4, Pp 69-92).

2003. Music and Politics in Cameroon. In J.-G. Gros (ed.), Cameroon: Politics and Society in Critical Perspective. Lanham: University Press of America. Pp. 185-209. (with Francis Nyamnjoh).

Book Reviews

2021. Charlotte Walker-Said, Review of Faith, Power and Family: Christianity and Social Change in French Cameroon. Nordic Journal of African Studies – Vol 29 No 3 (2020).

2021. Review of Kathrin Tiewa, The Lion and his Pride: the politics of commemoration in Cameroon. Cologne: Rüdiger K ppe Verlag (pb 39.80 978 3 89645 838 4). 2016, 253 pp., Africa, Vol 91, Issue 2

2016. Review of Michaela Pelican, Masks and Staffs: Identity Politics in the Cameroon Grassfields. New York: Berghahn, 2015. 258 pp. American Anthropologist, 118: 849–850.

2016. Review of Inside African Anthropology: Monica Wilson and Her Interpreters, edited by Andrew Bank and Leslie J. Bank, Cambridge, Cambridge University Press, 2013,  354 pp.  Canadian Journal of African Studies / Revue canadienne des études africaines

2015. Review of Janet Roitman, Anti-Crisis. Anthropology Southern Africa. 37:3-4, 268-269

2015. Review of Meredith Terretta, Nation of Outlaws, State of Violence: Nationalism, Grassfields Tradition and State Building in Cameroon. Africa.

2013. Review of Ginsburg, Rebecca At Home with Apartheid: The Hidden Landscapes of Domestic Service in Johannesburg.Canadian Journal of African Studies/La Revue Canadienne des études Africaines, 47:2, 311-313.

2012. Review of Piot, Charles Nostalgia for the Future: West Africa after the Cold War Canadian Journal of African Studies/La Revue Canadienne des études Africaines. 46 (3), 461-463.

2008. Review of Argenti, Nicolas The intestines of the state: Youth, violence, and belated histories in the Cameroon Grassfields. Journal of Contemporary African Studies 26 (3):350-353.

2008. Review of Konde, Emmanuel African Women and Politics: Knowledge, Gender, and Power in Male-dominated Cameroon. African Affairs, 107(427) 292-294.

2007. Review of Christianse, Catrine, Mats Utas, and Henrik E. Vigh Navigating Youth, Generating Adulthood: Social Becoming in an African Context.

2007. Review of Nyamnjoh, Francis B. Insiders & Outsiders: Citizenship and Xenophobia in Contemporary Southern Africa. Journal of Contemporary African Studies, 25 (3), 439-442.

2004. Review of Konings, Piet and Francis B. Nyamnjoh Negotiating an Anglophone Identity in Cameroon. Canadian Journal of African Studies, 38 (2), 467-469.